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GROUP | 2015.10.26 - 10.29
<16th Art&Technology>, CAU ART CENTER, Seoul, South Korea
<16회 중앙대학교 첨단영상제>, 중앙대학교아트센터, 서울, 한국

<16th Art&Technology Exhibition>, CAU ART CENTER, Seoul, South Korea

<16th Art&Technology Exhibition>, CAU ART CENTER, Seoul, South Korea
GROUP | 2015.08.05 - 08.11
<Selection of ChungMunKyu Museum ’Artists 7’>selected Artist, Misulsegye gallery, Seoul, South Korea
<신예작가 7인전>, 정문규미술관 선정, 미술세계, 서울, 한국

<Selection of ChungMunKyu Museum ’Artists 7’>selected Artist, Misulsegye gallery, Seoul, South Korea

<Selection of ChungMunKyu Museum ’Artists 7’>selected Artist, Misulsegye gallery, Seoul, South Korea

<Selection of ChungMunKyu Museum ’Artists 7’>selected Artist, Misulsegye gallery, Seoul, South Korea

<Selection of ChungMunKyu Museum ’Artists 7’>selected Artist, Misulsegye gallery, Seoul, South Korea

<Selection of ChungMunKyu Museum ’Artists 7’>selected Artist, Misulsegye gallery, Seoul, South Korea

<Selection of ChungMunKyu Museum ’Artists 7’>selected Artist, Misulsegye gallery, Seoul, South Korea
GROUP | 2015.03.27 - 04.26
<Sesation Tranceference>, ChungMunKyu Museum, Ansan, South Korea
<감각의 전이>, 정문규미술관, 안산, 한국

<Sesation Tranceference>, ChungMunKyu Museum, Ansan, South Korea

<Sesation Tranceference>, ChungMunKyu Museum, Ansan, South Korea

<Sesation Tranceference>, ChungMunKyu Museum, Ansan, South Korea

<Sesation Tranceference>, ChungMunKyu Museum, Ansan, South Korea

<Sesation Tranceference>, ChungMunKyu Museum, Ansan, South Korea

<Sesation Tranceference>, ChungMunKyu Museum, Ansan, South Kore

<Sesation Tranceference>, ChungMunKyu Museum, Ansan, South Korea
GROUP (DUO) | 2015.01.31 - 02.25
<Single Channel>, Planned Special Exhibition 'Artists 2', Stone & Water, Magnolia, Anyang, South Korea
<싱글채널>2인 기획전, 스톤앤워터, 안양1.2번가 문화발전소 마그놀리아, 안양, 한국

<Single Channel>, Planned Special Exhibition 'Artists 2', Stone & Water, Magnolia, Anyang, South Kor

Single Channel
Planned Special Exhibition 'Artists 2', Stone & Water, Magnolia, Anyang, South Korea

Single Channel
Planned Special Exhibition 'Artists 2', Stone & Water, Magnolia, Anyang, South Korea

Single Channel
Planned Special Exhibition 'Artists 2', Stone & Water, Magnolia, Anyang, South Korea

Single Channel
Planned Special Exhibition 'Artists 2', Stone & Water, Magnolia, Anyang, South Korea
GROUP | 2014.11.19 - 11.25
<Beginning>, United Gallery, Seoul, South Korea
<시작>, 유나이티드 갤러리, 서울, 한국

<Beginning>, United Gallery, Seoul, South Korea
GROUP | 2014.04.12 - 05.06
<Loosely Translated…>, Sori Arts Center of Jeollabuk-do, Jeonju, South Korea
<쉽게 말하자면...>, 한국소리문화의전당, 전주, 한국

<Loosely translated…>, Sori Arts Center of Jeollabuk-do, Jeonju, South Korea

<Loosely translated…>, Sori Arts Center of Jeollabuk-do, Jeonju, South Korea
Epidermis TV 1, 1920X1080p Video, 2m5s, 2014

<Loosely translated…>, Sori Arts Center of Jeollabuk-do, Jeonju, South Korea
Epidermis TV 1, 1920X1080p Video, 2m5s, 2014

<Loosely translated…>, Sori Arts Center of Jeollabuk-do, Jeonju, South Korea
Epidermis Super Product #5, Installation, 2014

<Loosely translated…>, Sori Arts Center of Jeollabuk-do, Jeonju, South Korea
Epidermis Super Product #5, Installation, 2014

<Loosely translated…>, Sori Arts Center of Jeollabuk-do, Jeonju, South Korea

<Loosely translated…>, Sori Arts Center of Jeollabuk-do, Jeonju, South Korea

<Loosely translated…>, Sori Arts Center of Jeollabuk-do, Jeonju, South Korea
GROUP (DUO) | 2012.08.07 - 08.19
<Light and Art>, Sejong Center for the Performing Arts, Dream-Forest art center Dream gallery, Seoul, South Korea
<빛과 예술>, 세종문화회관 북서울꿈의숲아트센터 드림갤러리, 서울, 한국

<Light and Art>, Sejong Center for the Performing Arts, Dream-Forest art center Dream gallery, Seoul

<Light and Art>, Sejong Center for the Performing Arts, Dream-Forest art center Dream gallery, Seoul

<Light and Art>, Sejong Center for the Performing Arts, Dream-Forest art center Dream gallery, Seoul

<Light and Art>, Sejong Center for the Performing Arts, Dream-Forest art center Dream gallery, Seoul

<Light and Art>, Sejong Center for the Performing Arts, Dream-Forest art center Dream gallery, Seoul
GROUP | 2013.08.16 - 09.01
<同宗業界>, Kunstdoc x Gunsan Creative Cultural Space Yeoinsook, Gunsan, South Korea
<창작공간교류 ‘동종업계’>, 쿤스트독 x 여인숙, 창작문화공간 여인숙, 군산, 한국


GROUP | 2012.05.28 - 06.03
<Successful Exhibition>, Planned special exhibition, Radio Space M, samchung-Ro, Seoul, South Korea
<성공작展> 작정한자들 기획전, Radio Space M, 삼청로, 서울, 한국

<Successful Exhibition>, Planned special exhibition, Radio Space M, samchung-Ro, Seoul, South Korea

<Successful Exhibition>, Planned special exhibition, Radio Space M, samchung-Ro, Seoul, South Korea

<Successful Exhibition>, Planned special exhibition, Radio Space M, samchung-Ro, Seoul, South Korea

<Successful Exhibition>, Planned special exhibition, Radio Space M, samchung-Ro, Seoul, South Korea
2nd SOLO | 2012.04.03 - 04.17
<Epidermis super>, Gallery Golmok, Seoul, South Korea
<Epidermis super>, 갤러리 골목, 서울, 한국

2nd Solo Exhibition
Go to link
Epidermis super products #3
installation 2012

2nd Solo Exhibition

2nd Solo Exhibition
installation 2012

2nd Solo Exhibition
installation 2012

2nd Solo Exhibition
4m15s 1920X1080p video 2011

2nd Solo Exhibition

<Epidermis super>Selected Artist, gallery golmok, Seoul, South Korea
694x47cm digital print 2010

Epidermal World
694x47cm digital print 2010

Epidermal World
694x47cm digital print 2010

2nd Solo Exhibition
GROUP | 2012.02.17 - 03.01
<愚問賢答>, Kunstdoc Gallery, Seoul, South Korea
<우문현답>, 쿤스트독 갤러리, 서울, 한국

<愚問賢答>, Kunstdoc Gallery, Seoul, South Korea
GROUP | 2011.11.16 - 2012.01.20
<Seoul Contemporary-New Generation Art Star Exhibition>, HanGaRam art museum, Seoul, South Korea
<컨템포러리-신세대아트스타전>, 예술의전당 한가람미술관, 서울, 한국

<Seoul Contemporary-New Generation Art Star Exhibition>, HanGaRam art museum, Seoul, South Korea

<Seoul Contemporary-New Generation Art Star Exhibition>, HanGaRam art museum, Seoul, South Korea

<Seoul Contemporary-New Generation Art Star Exhibition>, HanGaRam art museum, Seoul, South Korea

<Seoul Contemporary-New Generation Art Star Exhibition>, HanGaRam art museum, Seoul, South Korea

<Seoul Contemporary-New Generation Art Star Exhibition>, HanGaRam art museum, Seoul, South Korea
1st SOLO | 2011.10.08 - 10.21
<Epidermis super>, YOOM gallery, Seoul, South Korea
<Epidermis super>, YOOM 갤러리, 서울, 한국

1st Solo Exhibition

1st Solo Exhibition

1st Solo Exhibition

1st Solo Exhibition

1st Solo Exhibition

1st Solo Exhibition
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